Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I noticed that other day that I was waiting for something...not consciously thinking about it, but I became aware I was waiting. After I thought about it, I find that I have a sense of waiting for many things. They are not all the usual. Here are a few that I can think of right now.

1. For the people who share our duplex to get rid of their van. They only got it a couple of months ago. It is handicapped accessible, and I guess I don't think it will be there permanently.

2. For Jen to come home.

3. For Gary to change some things.

4. For the need for new technology at work to finally come to an end.

5. For my leg to get better.

6. To move to a larger place.

7. To have more freedom with our money.

8. To write a book.

9. To quit being so tired.

10. To move back to Pueblo.

11. For a change in the government.

I know there are many things I should be waiting for and I probably am waiting consciously for a lot of things: the Rapture, to lose weight and others. But I know and think about those.

Do you have any things you are waiting for that are kind of at the back of your mind? Do you feel like sharing?


Kay Day said...

I don't know what to say, but I've been thinking about this a lot.
I don't know if I let things stay subconscious. I can't seem to think of anything I'm waiting for that I'm not aware of waiting for.

Jen said...

I haven't been to your blog for months and I'm sorry. I'm missing out on so much. Anways, I'm back now. This post made me cry a little.