My church had a special outreach last night, Saturday. We were asked to invite a friend or couple either to go out for supper or to come to our house for a meal. Then we were to take our guest(s) back to the church for dessert, a skit and a devotional message. My husband and I invited Mona, a forty-something Catholic who has two grown sons and a little boy about five yoa. We went to Perkins for supper, not too fancy, but good food. We had a nice time talking. Mona is a lovely person. She seemed to enjoy herself, and her little guy made the statement that he wanted to come back here (to the church). He liked playing with the other kids. Mona said she would come to church sometime. Hopefully she will.
I have given out Christian tracts at work for Christmas for seven or eight Christmases along with Christmas cards about the birth of Christ. I have given out a tracts a few times at Easter. I've tried to be a Christian influence at work. Mainly the thing that seems to show my Christian walk the most is that I don't "cuss." I've only gotten to give the clear plan of salvation once to a co-worker. She stated that she had already "done that." Maybe she has. I think I've seen spiritual growth in her.
I would like to be more outspoken about Christ. I would like the Lord to give me more opportunities, but then I worry that I won't take them when they come.
A while back, the mother of one of my young co-workers (late 20s) was dying with fast moving cancer. I sent her mother a card with a tract in it. Her daughter told me she didn't think her mother was up to hearing that information. Later I found out her mother was a member of Wicka (spelling?). I just wish she could have heard the Gospel before she died. I know I'm not in charge of that part.
Just some of my concerns.
I have similar concerns with reaching out. I ask myself if I would let my neighbor's house burn down in the middle of the night because I didn't want to bother them at a time when it was inconvenient. Of course I would pound on their door until they woke up and help get them to safety. We need to pray for God's wisdom and boldness to wake our neighbors up for something much more important than a house fire...
We can present the Gospel but we can't make them accept it, unfortunately. And we don't always know whether someone has heard the Gospel previously or not. Sometimes things from long ago come to mind and they become convicted. Like being in a Sunday School class or a Child Evangelism class or something. Concerning Mona, if her child starts coming that will be a big foot in the door to the rest of the family. In some work areas a person has to be very discreet. It's wonderful that you can hand out real Christmas cards without any backlash. Realize that those people you work with will think of you whenever they need someone to pray for them.
what the PB&J curriculum? Obviously not peanut butter and jelly.
You are you're mother's daughter. Grandma had a heart for soul-winning and so do you. You may not approach it in the same way but that does not make you any less effective. Grandma did a lot of evangelism. You do a lot of relationship building. Both are important.
PB&J is the Bible curriculum my mom and I are working on together if she would ever log in...
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